If there is one uncontrollable thing that stresses brides it’s weather, so a place where it’s eternally spring should sound like a desirable proposition for a destination wedding. That place, where free-flowing tequila, vivid flowers and festive music also happen to be in plentiful supply, is San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site that’s likely more charming than anywhere you’ve ever traveled, and it is also home to baroque Spanish architecture, a gorgeous pink neo-Gothic church and some truly mind-blowing food.
Situated in the foothills of the Sierra Madres, San Miguel de Allende weddings provide dramatic mountain sunsets and a sophisticated food and cultural scene. When wandering the cobbled streets, stop by the Parroquia de San Miguel Archangel. Horseback riding through the city’s surrounding foothills guarantees a stunning vista, and check out the Mask Museum, with a collection of beautifully displayed headdresses and masks.
The colonial city is not on the ocean, but you’ll forget all about the beach when you see a sunset here. Add a bit of cobblestone dust to the air together with a colorful culture and overall warmth of its people, and your experience in this town turns into an unfortegable bliss.
La ‘Callejoneada’
It’s a mouthful to pronounce, but it’ll prove to be among the most authentic San Miguel experiences you'll ever enjoy. The city hosts over 700 weddings annually, and the prelude to almost every ceremony is a callejoneada, a parade in which the wedding party wanders through cobblestoned streets, tequila in hand, smiles alit, and voices singing. Giant mojigangas—papier-mâché puppets towering 10 feet in the air and dancing wildly—will visually announce the callejoneada, then you’ll start to hear the mariachi tunes. An adorable burro, adorned with colorful paper flowers, pulls a tequila cart from which all attendees indulge. The spirit is contagious, even watched from the curb.